TOWN CLERK................................................................................................................................Lucy Richards
Tuesday - 9am - Noon
Thursday - 1pm - 4pm
Saturday - 9am - Noon
The Butternuts Town Clerk is located at the Town Hall and is ready to help you with the following services :
* Issues Dog Licenses
* Issues Hunting & Fishing Licenses
* Issues Marriage Licenses
* Issues Handicap Parking Permits ( after providing certification from a physician)
Additional Duties of the Town Clerk include :
* Record Birth & Death Certificates
* Issues Monthly Reports: Marriage Reports, Dog License Reports, Clerk Report for the Town Board
* Maintains a Monthly Cash Book Report
The Town Clerk also Assists The Planning Board :
* Notifies Planning Board of all Site Plan and Subdivision Applications
* Receives and Forwards all Applications to the Planning Board
* Collects Associated Fees for Site Plans and Subdivision Applications
If you have any questions related to the Town of Butternuts feel free to call the Town Clerk. She can assist you directly or refer you the proper department if your inquiry is outside the scope of her responsibility.
Updated: May 4, 2024